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How To Play
Try to guess the song!
The first few lines of a well-known song are translated into a different language. Can you work out enough words to guess the track?
If you're stuck, you can skip to the next clue: the same lines again, but translated into a new language. There are six different-language clues every day; try to guess the song in as few clues as possible.
There's a new LyricLocale every day - good luck!
Hide Languages
If you speak other languages and don't want to spoil the game, you can choose to hide them. You can unhide them at any time while playing.
Oh, rüzgar bu gece soğuk, karanlık sokakta ıslık çalıyor
Ve insanlar, müzik havasına göre dans ediyorlardı
Ve oğlanlar, saçlarında buklelerle kızları kovalıyorlar
Utangaç, işkence görmüş gençler ise orada oturuyorlar
Ve şarkılar, daha da yükseliyor, her biri bir öncekinden daha iyi